Group Retirement Plans
Our professionals will advise you on the group retirement savings solutions best suited to the context of your business while fostering the profitability of investments, in addition to supporting you through all aspects of your plan’s management in order to fully respond to your business’s needs.

For the employer:
1. Employee retention – Offering an advantageous retirement plan to employees sets you apart from competitors and fosters employee retention.
2. Tax optimization – Employer contributions to a pension plan ensures saving on payroll taxes that a salary payment would generate.
For the employee:
1. Tax saving and automatic savings – Payroll deductions are made before tax, allowing employees to minimize their tax burden.
2. Competitive management fees – The management fees in group plans are generally lower than the management fees in funds offered by banks for individual investors.
3. Optimisation fiscale sur les montants investis – The amounts invested in a pension plan will accumulate tax-free and will only be taxed when the money is withdrawn.
4. Contribution de l’employeur – The employer’s contribution to the pension plan accentuates the growth of the accumulated sums.
Defined contribution plans:
Simplified pension plan (SIPP)
Group registered retirement savings plan (Group RRSP)
Group tax-free savings account (TFSA)
Registered pension plan (RPP)
Deferred profit-sharing plan (DPSP)
Defined benefit plans:
Registered pension plan (RPA)
Supplementary plan