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Estate planning

The best time to start
your estate planning is now…

Estate planning consists of planning in advance for the transfer of assets following the death of the person or persons for the purpose of:


  • Ensuring that the amounts and/or assets provided are paid to the right people.

  • Minimizing tax burdens, when possible

  • Preserving or increasing the value of the estate


* This service is offered through and in collaboration with our business partners.



The estate plan should be aligned with your financial planning to prevent misdistribution of your assets upon death. A will drafted by a professional is the cornerstone of your estate plan. The more complex your financial situation, the more you need a well-integrated comprehensive plan. For example, if you have children, investments, philanthropic objectives, a business, a second home, or real estate assets, having a comprehensive estate plan that takes all your wishes into consideration is essential. Moreover, an estate plan helps to reduce the costs and possible delays caused by the settlement of your estate such as the fiscal impact.

Depending on your situation, there are several mechanisms which can allow you to achieve your estate planning goals, among others: wills, insurance, power of attorney, designation of beneficiaries, charitable donations, tax planning, trusts and foundations.


The time to start and review your estate plan is when you are healthy. In fact, part of the planning addresses the impact of a disability and the uncertainties created by your deteriorating health. It is therefore essential to have established the appropriate documents (such as powers of attorney) to allow the chosen person to make financial and medical decisions in the event of a disability on your part. However, estate planning is an ongoing process that should be revised based on changes that occur throughout your life.



  • Death of a spouse

  • Divorce

  • Marriage or second marriage

  • Birth of a child or grandchild

  • Death of a beneficiary

  • Purchase or sale of real estate assets or a business

  • Beneficiary with particular needs (requires special trust planning)

  • Death of the liquidator named in the will

  • Purchase of foreign property


Do you want to plan your succession to ensure peace of mind? Contact us today! We have the expertise to support you in your estate planning.

« Nous avons fait appel à Stratèges Gestion de Patrimoine pour nos besoins en assurance-vie et gestion de patrimoine et nous avons été charmés par leur approche humaine et leur grande disponibilité. Alexe a fait des pieds et des mains pour s’ajuster à notre horaire chargé et pour répondre rapidement à nos besoins. Nous avons grandement apprécié ses conseils francs et personnalisés. »

Daphnée Beauchamp, avocate & Anthony Richard, ingénieur



100-20 Rue Émilien-Marcoux

Blainville, QC, J7C 0B5
(450) 419-8405

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* Mutual funds are distributed through SFL Placements, a financial services firm (4150 Ste-Catherine West, suite 200, Westmount (QC) H3Z 0A1. Tel .: (514) 483-2070)

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